Sunday, June 6, 2010

Message 738

Yesterday I Finished reading The Economist during the day, and ate a roast pork dinner with Julian, Vanessa, and the kids. This coming Friday is Beech's last day of kindergarten. Annie is already finished with her school. In the evening I watched a DVD of the French movie Diva. It is sort of a gangster thriller, but it is weighted so heavily with symbolism that it is oscillates between ambiguity and incomprehensibility. I give it 2.7 stars.

Message 737

Yesterday I had coffee with Helen and Jim at Starbucks and did my Safeway shopping. In the evening I had a blind date with Lucila Echeverria, a long-time friend and colleague of Vanessa when she worked for the county. Lucia is originally from Peru, but she has also lived in Argentina and Spain before moving to the United States about fifteen years ago, where she is now a citizen. She is very nice and friendly and I enjoyed getting to know her. We had dinner at Sultana and then watched a DVD of the movie Shanghai Triad, which is one of my all-time five-star favorites.