Thursday, February 4, 2010

Message 617

Yesterday I worked a little on my memoirs again for the first time in a while. In the late afternoon I went in the hot tub for the first time in several days. Jason had to come up to pick up a prescription at PAMF, so he and I and Caroline and Ellie had dinner at Ten Fu. It was good to see them all again.

In the evening I watched a DVD of the movie The Man in the Moon. I think maybe I saw it sometime previously, but I have only a few vague memories, so I can not be sure. It was made in 1991 and has a great cast. It is Reese Witherspoon's first movie, and she looks about 14 years old, which is the age of the girl she is playing. Sam Waterston who plays her father also looks very young. It is set in 1957 Louisiana and gives a good feel for the time and place. It is a coming of age movie about a family with four girls. Reese is the second oldest and she has something of a sibling rivalry with her older sister who is scheduled to start Duke in the fall. It has a very heavy ending, but it is a very good movie. I give it five stars, although if I did see it before, I do not think I thought so highly of it the first time.