Saturday, November 29, 2008

Message 196

Yesterday afternoon Jason came up with Carolyn and Melanie and picked up Ellie and Amelia. It was great to see all the girls.

Last night Joshua brought in pizza and we watched the Sharks beat Dallas 6-2. Afterward I watched a DVD of Thelma and Louise. I give it four stars. Even though it is an old classic, directed by Ridley Scott and is Brad Pitt's first role, for some reason I never saw it when it was in the theaters. Maybe I was in Rome at the time and not going to movies.

Today I have already done a load of laundry, including changing the sheets on my bed. My washing machine is so small, I have to wash the two big sheets in separate loads. I washed the fitted one today, so I will wash the top sheet tomorrow. I will remake my bed with another set today.