Sunday, August 23, 2009

Message 452

I just got back from having coffee with Helen and Jim. Helen has had a cold all week, so they missed there weekend overnight trip, but she was improved enough this morning so we had coffee. I have not seen Joshua for more than a week now. I wonder if he has already flown to Amsterdam for his work which is supposed to happen sometime soon.

Yesterday morning I met Vanessa Julian, Beech, and Annie at Starbucks. Julian and Beech had to leave early for the Kung Fu class, but Vanessa and Annie and I stayed on and met some new people who were there with kids who played with Annie. Last night I was the guest of honor at a pot luck dinner that was held by a book group that Sally founded years ago. The dinner was hosted by the Rohans, but the Solomons, and Arianos were there too. We ate outside and the food was delicious. It started at 5 PM and I was home by 9 PM, but I did not watch a DVD. Instead I finished reading The Economist.