Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Message 386

Yesterday Vanessa and I went to Nealon Park with the kids. Beech's school is out for the summer, so we went a little later and stayed a little longer than in the past because Beech did not have to go to school in the afternoon which had been his previous schedule. Annie has the slap-cheek virus now so her face looks like she has a sunburn. Beech had it a couple of weeks ago, and now it is her turn. It does not make people very sick, and once the face turn red it is no longer contagious, so it is not an especially big deal. As usual Vanessa made a delicious lunch and I was the one who did most of the eating. Vanessa and Beech played soccer on the grass. There were some eleven year old boys playing there too, and one of them was nice enough to play with Beech for a while. Vanessa got pretty winded after a while and I tried to play with Beech some too. I said lets just practice kicking it to each other while we stand about ten yards apart. He refused and said no he wanted us to run and kick like he had been doing, so I said no I could not run. He then went back and dragged his mom out for another workout.

In the evening I did not have a new netflix, so I started reading a new book, Legacy of Ashes, which Chris had recommended to me. It is a history of the CIA and a National Book Award winner. It is quite compelling and told me a lot I did not know, even though I consider myself pretty informed on the CIA.