Monday, August 31, 2009

Nessage 460

The heat wave has broken, so I should be able to run my computer all day today. Yesterday midday I watched a DVD of the movie Constantine. It had a good cast, but it was based on a comic book character, so the plot was mostly absurd and incomprehensible. I am not into comic book characters, especially ones that were invented long after I last read a comic book, so I give it 2.3 stars.

I ate dinner with Vanessa and the kids last night. Julian was working late again, but he came in after we had eaten while Beech and I were playing Chess and then checkers. I was trying to teach Beech a little about the games so I did not let him win. Today is his first day in kindergarten, but he has the cold that Annie just got over, so I hope he will not have to miss his first day at school.

Last night I watched Masterpiece Mystery on PBS. I am so glad the extended August pledge drive is over so the regular programming is available again.