Monday, August 3, 2009

Message 432

Yesterday I finished reading this week's Science. I finished The Economist the day before, but I forgot to mention it in yesterday's message. In the evening I had dinner at Julian and Vanessa's house. Julian grilled steaks and hamburgers. Vanessa made the mashed potatoes , salad, etc. Vanessa wants to start a tradition that every Sunday we all get together for a family meal. It is about the only time Julian sits down and eats with his family. He works such long hours during the week that the kids are in bed before he gets home.

PBS has another pledge drive going so there was no Masterpiece Theater this week. Instead I watched on of my collection that Julian and Vanessa had borrowed and watched the night before. It was called Temptress Moon. It was a Chinese movie about a fight between to Chinese tongs to control the opium trade. I could not understand who the various characters were, what their relationship was, and what was motivating them. I am sure I would appreciate it more if I watched it five or six more times, but it is not worth the trouble. I give it 2.9 stars because I found it too hard to understand.